Self-Directed Housing

Come learn about the opportunities available in Self-Directed Housing programs

RSVP Your Spot Below!

You're invited!

Please join Jennifer Brown, the founder of New Jersey's leading provider of Supports Brokerage. This workshop cover funding opportunities, and resources available through Self-Directed Housing.

Come join us as we plan for the future of your loved one.

Our next Self-Directed Housing Workshop is:

Thursday March 20th 3:00-4:30pm

Please RSVP below and a Zoom link will be sent to you.

RSVP Below!

Reserve your seat for our next workshop!

Our next Supported Housing Workshop is:

Thursday March 20th 3:00-4:30pm

Please RSVP and we will send you Zoom link to join us!

Have Questions?

Contact: 908-303-8708 or

Reserve Your Seat Now!

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